Thursday, March 28, 2013

Google Glasses - Are they necessary?

I've got to admit, Google Glasses are cool. Very cool. I presume once Google Glasses are released, there will be copycats and Samsung Glasses and other brands will appear, the prices will drop and it may even become mainstream. Many people will be having one because they'll be quite affordable. But have anyone ever thought of the consequences of what is known as the "Smart Glasses" becoming too mainstream?

Imagine this : "Please switch off your glasses during takeoff and landing". Sounds a little familiar?Currently when the plane is about to takeoff or land, passengers are required to switch off all electronic devices due to fear of signals from those devices interfering with the plane's control. With "Smart Glasses", we'll now have to switch off our glasses or even take them off. During examinations, we are reminded to keep all electronic devices capable of storing or displaying any information into our bags. Do we have to keep our glasses into our bags too? When we go into the cinema or court where any form of recording is forbidden, do we also have to remove our glasses? Bear in mind what I'm saying is if "Smart Glasses" becomes too mainstream and 50% or more people are using it (Like smartphones are mainstream now).

What is designed to bring convenience to our lives may become a burden in the long run. Imagine having to remove your glasses during each of the circumstances I mentioned above. If you're an employer, would you allow your employee to wear "Smart Glasses"to work? With "Smart Glasses", one can take a picture of confidential data and upload them online easily. With "Smart Glasses", there'll be lack of privacy because anyone will be able to record/take a picture/video of you, without you knowing easily. Some may argue that Smartphones may also do the same thing, but if a person sitting right in front of you tries to take a video of you, will he be able to do it much easier without you noticing with a "Smart Glass" or "Smartphones"? Another major concern about "Smart Glasses' is that it pose a sever safety problem. Do you think many drivers will obey the rule of "No using Smart Glasses when driving"? This poses a huge threat to other drivers as well as pedestrians.

It's not that I hate the new "Google Glasses", I've watched the video and it's really cool. But do you really think it is necessary in our lives? Will it bring more convenience rather than burden? I honestly feel that having a smartphone is more than enough. If "Smart Glasses" becomes a mainstream, one famous speech we'll all hear is "OH NO! I FORGOT TO CHARGE MY GLASSES!":)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Mother tongue fortnight

Mother Tongue Fortnight (MTF) is an event hosted by the Ministry of Education (MOE) to appreciate our mother tongue. This event is being carried out in many schools around Singapore and it also is being conducted in my school.
Last Monday was the start of the MTF event and to commemorate the start of this event, my school had an "East Spring got talent" event in conjunction with MTF during assembly. "East Spring got talent" is an event where East Springians get a chance to showcase their talent. The many auditions lasted several months and the judges finally came out with 3 solo person and groups to qualify for the finals. Their task to win this competition went unexpected when they were told that they are suppose to showcase a song in their respective mother tongue!
The finalists practiced hard and perfomed on stage during last Monday's assembly.
Another MTF event that happen in my school is the "Chinese Cultural" event which was held today for the sec 3s.
We learned to pour Chinese tea, make mooncakes, do Chinese painting and do Chinese paper cutting.
I feel that these events organized by the MOE is quite meaningful because none of us actually make mooncakes at home or even does Chinese painting!
Hopefully there will be more interesting events coming up! The next event I am looking forward to us the National Day celebration!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

8 reasons why I haven't posted for so long

Here are the 8 :

1. Busy with school
2. Busy with homeworks
3. Busy with projects
4. Busy with CCA - Scouting
5. Busy going tuition
6. Busy sleeping
7. Busy checking Facebook
8. Nothing to post

Haha, these are the 8 reasons why I have not post for so long :)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Apple iPhone/iPad app : Puffin Browser

Many people choose android phones to iPhone due to the fact that iPhone does not support adobe flash player. In fact in my opinion, the only point iPhone lost to android phones is the lack of flash player. But we all know that Steve jobs already commented on why he refused flash player on apple devices. It is because Flash player may bring down the performance on the apple devices ( See my previous post for more info )
But fear not! I found out a browser that actually enable us to watch flash videos! The name of the app is "Puffin Browser" and it cost USD$0.99. Paying USD$0.99 and we get to watch flash videos on our iPhones and iPad? That seems quite worth it. The disclaimer on the app is that the app does not enable flash games. I tried playing a few y8 games on my iPad using puffin and most games can be played! (Only that iPad doesn't have a mouse and the arrow keys) I even tried playing Habbo and it loads and runs even smoother than "Alwaysonpc"!
I know currently there is also another app called "Skyfire browser" that enables us to watch flash videos too. Skyfire cost USD$4.95 and its video takes some time to buffer, but puffin doesn't. So I prefer using puffin instead because it enables me to play some flash games, watch flash videos fast and also cheaper.
So that's all for tonight, shall post again soon!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Recommended iPhone app (Game) : Modern Combat 2 Black Pegasus

I was pretty bored at home today so I'll start on a random topic to blog about. So, today I'll recommend you guys a new iPhone game I just purchased several days ago and found it quite fun. 

App Name :  Modern Combat 2 Black Pegasus
Price : USD$6.99 (approx SGD$8.40)

Review : 
Modern Combat 2 Black Pegasus is a HD super clear FPS (first player shooting) game on the iPhone. It's game play is a little like Call Of Duty. It has campaign mode and also online multiplayer.
SGD$8.40 may not be a small sum for most of us, but it's certainly worth your money due to it's excellent HD graphics and game play. When you're playing the game, you'll feel like you're playing Call Of Duty on the PS3.
It's online multiplayer function made the game even worth your money because you get to challenge people globally and rank up. You won't get sick and tired of playing due to the fact that you get to challenge different online players. Multiplayer comes with 3 selection :
1. Local Bluetooth - Challenge your friends via Bluetooth
2. Local Wifi - Challenge players from your country
3. Online - Challenge players from all over the world
For multiplayer modes, you can play with up to 10 players in different mode (team battle, battle, capture the flag, defuse the bomb)
Now, doesn't that sound very attracting?
Go to the app store and search for the free trial version of this game and give it a try (There's no multiplayer).
Well, that's all for today, cya next time! 
Sorry, can't post my snapshots now due to blogger being incompatible with iPhone.

Monday, April 4, 2011

IPad 2 - Part One

I shall post my thoughts and feelings about the lastest IPad 2 before the release in Singapore and also another after the release. The second generation of IPad claims to be thinner, lighter and faster than the first generation. I've asked afew friends of mine who own an IPad on how do they feel about it. They all mentioned on how fast their IPad 1 is. Infact, an apple device will be able to play flash games and watch flash videos with a help of an app caled "Alwaysonpc". The application cost USD$24.99 (Estimated). I know it isn't cheap, but enabling your idevices to have access to flash player, its certainly worth it to me. A friend of mine uses his first generation IPad to access his habbo and facebook games with "Alwaysonpc" and he claims that its 100% no lag. IPad 2 have a build in dual core A5 processor which is twice the processor of IPad 1. I can't imagine the speed of IPad 2! Apple also claims that IPad 2 have super fast graphics so that gamers can have a super smooth game play experience. All these spects make me feel that the second generation of IPad is alot better than IPad 1 and I feel like buying it. :P I guess I'll have to take my time to save up. I can predict that the moment IPad 2 is being release in Singapore somewhere this/next week, the stock will be out within hours of its launch. And the new stock will only be in after months. Now, lets wait patiently for the second generation of the apple IPad to be released in Singapore and see if the IPad 2 is as good as apple claims to be. So, seeya in the next post :P

Change of Handphone Policy

I am please to hear that our principle reviewed our many years of debate on the handphone policy and decided to make a change for it. Weeks ago during an assembly, she spoke to us about the advantages and disadvantages of using handphone in school. She than allowed us to bring our phones to school, but not allowed to use/display it. Currently, we are only allowed to use our handphones after school in the "Yelow Box" at the foyer. I find that kind of weird because imagine your parents are calling you when you are in the canteen, you have to run all the way to the foyer just to pick up the call. I suggest that the school may review on this policy again and change the rule such that we are allowed to use our handphones anywhere after school, as long as no teaching is going on. Don;t you agree with me that this would mae life easier for students?