Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Monday, November 19, 2007

I created my own games!

I finally know how to create my own games!
If you all want to play,please visit and search

I found out a new blog!

I found out a new blog!
It is a game blog!
Its address is
Something I hate about that blog is WHO USED MY NAME IN THIS BLOG!
Anyway enjoy playing!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Follow your heart

In this music Follow your heart,I have a very sad feeling.PLEASE DO NOT LAUGH!!!!
I feel that someone is sad walking along a never ending path crying and being bullied.
This music is like a drama music.Thats all I have to say!Bye!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

As I reach the end of the year,my thoughts are

The end of the year is comming.I am going to primary 6.I hope that I will not seprate class.I do not wish to seprate class because I will miss Ryan , Jonathan and Shao Hong alot.At the begaining of 2007,I m made a new friend.They are Ryan , Jonathan and Shao Hong.I hope that when I go to primary six, my form teacher will remain the same,Miss Lee.I also can be quite happy when I go to primary 6 . I will be 1 year older and smarter.The thing that I care the most now is to study hard!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

My wishes for Singapore

My wishes for Singapore is that Singapore will have peace.
I wish that Singapore will have peace because without peace,we all
cannot do alot of things like:
- Go to the market
- Go to school
We cannot go to the market because all of the shop will be closed.
All of the shop will be closed because the shop owner will be afraid
that when he meet someone that he hate or the person that hate him,that preson may fight with him.
We cannot go to school because when you go to school,when you saw the
person you hate or the person that hate you,they may fight with you.
So,I wish that Singapore will have peace and no war with our country.

Monday, July 23, 2007

IT News

The news articleI read was entitled:
32 dead in Indonesia floods

The main idea of this article is:
The entire villages are cut off by the floods in
Central Sulawesi after torrents of mud and water
destroyed several bridges following a week of

One new word that I learn is:dispatched
Police chief Haiti said about 100 Brimob paramilitary police had been
dispatched while platoon of police had been called up from the
neighbourind district of Banggai.

The word means:
To relegate to a specific destination or send on specific business.

The link to news article is:

Thursday, July 19, 2007

What I hope to see and do at the NE show

This week,I am going to a 2007 NE show.It is a National Day performance rehearser. I am very excited.I am very excitd because I want to see the fireworks and the fighter jets.I also like the goodie bag because inside there are alot of items.There are,cap,torchlight,tatoos,packet of food and bottle of drinks.At that place,what I want to do is to cheern for Singapore and sing some song.I hope that I will have a nice day there!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

My new blog!

Do you like riddles and jokes?Then visit my new blog at

Thursday, April 12, 2007

My favourite exhibit

My favourite exhibit in the Singapore Discovery Centre is the Little George-boy robot.
I like that exhibit because it can answer to any of our question.
Like for example:
"who are you",
"whats your name",
"what's your age".
you can even test him maths question!!!
Thats why I choose Little George.

Monday, April 2, 2007

The joking man by Terence Tan

"Ha Ha Ha,"joked the man.
Playing a prank at him.
He laughing and teased him
But no one bothered
Only the wall gave it a slient laugh .
"Ha Ha Ha!"chuckled the clown costume man,
standing there laughing all the way
Photo adapted from Flickr for Educational Purposes

Thursday, March 8, 2007

SMS (short messaging service) is bad for standard English.Agree or disargee?Why?

I agree that SMS (short messaging service) is bad for standard English.Do you know why?

Only when you are using a handphone to SMS to someone,or you are sending a email to someone then you can do that.
Let me tell you me reason that I agree.
Not everyone knows how to read SMS(short messaging service).
I only who how to read some of them like:
u r=you are
one more reason is a warning for children in school!!!Do you know why?
When you use SMS (short messageing English) in exam,I bet,you are never get the word correct.Unless your teacher is mad!!!
Last time , my friend , he use SMS(short messaging service) in exam , he fail his exam!!!
Self him right!!!
Thats why I agree that SMS (short messaging service) is bad for standed English.

Monday, February 26, 2007

I just added music in this blog!!

Do you know that I have just added a song in this blog.The name of the song is called fairy tales.Turn on the volume and you can hear it!!!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

My class 5A

This is my class primary 5A.My class have a blog to do you know that?The website is you want to see our blog you are free to do so.Let me ell you my blog too.The website is all.Bye!!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Habbo 123terence

Hi my name is 123terence I am created from Terence.If you want to see me you just need to play Habbo.But a very important warning is that if you want to meet me do not play
Ok thats all if you want to talk to me just play habbo.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

School Toliets should not be you agree?

I disagree. Do you think that it is very ridculous?Well,I find it very ridculous (and sounds very funny!) Let me give you a example. Sometimes when a timid person go to the toilet at night alone,they may feel very afraid.Do you feel afraid too?No?Maybe to you,you are not afraid.But to tell you the true,I am afraid.So I think that a school toliets should not be decorated.
Want another example?Yes?ok.When I am doing my buisness,I do not like to look at picture especially at night.Do you like to do that?Yes?Ok,never mine its your buisness not mine.
That why I do not agree.Ok,thats all bye!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is coming, I am very excited because I am going to meet my cousin again^_^! But I must clean my house and hang alot of chinese New decorations.Haaaa it is going to be very tiring.But! I will try my best to decoration my house because I want my cousin to come to my house and see all the beautiful decorations.And one more thing, i will go to the supermarket to buy some new year goodies

Friday, January 12, 2007


Hi there !

I've been to the deer park. Guess which country is this ? Japan ... Kyoto..