Thursday, February 8, 2007

School Toliets should not be you agree?

I disagree. Do you think that it is very ridculous?Well,I find it very ridculous (and sounds very funny!) Let me give you a example. Sometimes when a timid person go to the toilet at night alone,they may feel very afraid.Do you feel afraid too?No?Maybe to you,you are not afraid.But to tell you the true,I am afraid.So I think that a school toliets should not be decorated.
Want another example?Yes?ok.When I am doing my buisness,I do not like to look at picture especially at night.Do you like to do that?Yes?Ok,never mine its your buisness not mine.
That why I do not agree.Ok,thats all bye!


Shao Hong, said...

Hmm.. Really sounds funny, but what you posted is better than before. You must do two preps! Why didn't you do it?

hotio said...

excuse me.i m not being rude but ur ridculous is spelt should b ridiculous.ah yyoooo

Ryan said...

i say it is a very outstanding blog you should add more picture


Anonymous said...

i agree with you my blog also said there were 'ghost'

Shi Ting said...

If the person is afraid to go to the toilet, why don't they wear diapers? Haha just joking... =D