Thursday, March 8, 2007

SMS (short messaging service) is bad for standard English.Agree or disargee?Why?

I agree that SMS (short messaging service) is bad for standard English.Do you know why?

Only when you are using a handphone to SMS to someone,or you are sending a email to someone then you can do that.
Let me tell you me reason that I agree.
Not everyone knows how to read SMS(short messaging service).
I only who how to read some of them like:
u r=you are
one more reason is a warning for children in school!!!Do you know why?
When you use SMS (short messageing English) in exam,I bet,you are never get the word correct.Unless your teacher is mad!!!
Last time , my friend , he use SMS(short messaging service) in exam , he fail his exam!!!
Self him right!!!
Thats why I agree that SMS (short messaging service) is bad for standed English.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

come see my blog