Thursday, March 10, 2011

iPhone 4 - Jail breaking

For the past few months, my Samsung Galaxy S started to lag very badly and I got very frustrated. I went around asking my friends if their handphone lags and I found out that most of their smartphone does lag. The only phone with no lag issue so far is the apple iPhone 4. So I saved up my CNY money and purchased an iPhone 4 2 weeks ago and I am very pleased with it. There's completely no lags at all.
Apple has very strict security so as to ensure their idevices do not get infected with viruses or crash. So due to this tight security issue, iPhone can only download things from the apple apps store. Most people may find it quite irritating because they cannot download free apps and songs. But I personally feel that it is a brilliant idea that Steve Jobs came up with. By preventing any unauthorize applications onto the iPhone, the iPhone will be immune to many kinds of viruses which will keep the phone very safe. This is the reason why iPhone does not lag/crash.
But most people now are considering jailbreaking their iPhone 4. Here are my opinions about jailbreaking it :

Advantages :
You get to download all kinds of stuffs from the web including free apps and non-approve iPhone apps. You get more control over your phone and can customize your settings more. So we get to save our money as we do not need to purchase any apps.

Disadvantages :
Remember, downloading paid apps for free is illegal! When you jailbreak your iPhone, your iPhone's security is being pulled down. This is the reason why you can download free apps on the web. When the security is down, your phone is prone to viruses. One small mistake (download a game / enters a website with virus), there goes your phone. Your iPhone will start lagging badly or may even crash! Bear in mind that some virus is so strong that it can damage your iPhone and factory reset may not even work.

So I feel that it is best not to jailbreak your iPhone. Is it worth it to download free games and "open" your iPhone up to viruses? Most iPhone top games are only USD$0.99 (SGD$1.30). Is it worth it when the virus attacks your iPhone and it canny function properly anymore? Remember that iPhone is no lag because of it's tight security.
So please think carefully before jailbreaking your iPhone.

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